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Forum: Class Reunions



Created on: 05/16/09 12:47 PM Views: 2128 Replies: 1
Why I like reunions.
Posted Saturday, May 16, 2009 07:47 AM


Sue and I have been attending reunions (both Sue's and mine) starting with the 15 year . We have enjoyed all of them. Some more than others.

We look at reunions as a way to meet new people. Yes 'new' people. Most of the people at a reunion are 'new'. They are people you did not know or spouses. But... they are all there to have a good time, party and talk. We have become good friends with people we have met at reunions.

Reunions are almost always a great party. If you like people you will enjoy a reunion.


Class of '70

Edited 05/16/09 07:55 PM
RE: Why I like reunions.
Posted Monday, May 18, 2009 03:24 PM

I love reunions.

I don't think I've missed one yet.

Not that I need an excuse to party but it is nice to party with a great group of like minded party animals.

I was not popular in school, but I love getting to know the people I did not hang out with  during high school and meeting new people. I 've had some of the best times talking to the classmates  spouses. I find it very interesting to find out what people have been involved in since the last time we had a reunion.

I'm just disappointed that more of the people I hung out with, do not come to these reunions. I bet if they did , they would not miss another one.

I would  like to thank all of the people who volunteer, to make it such a great time.
