Classes of 1961 - 1970
Riviera Beach
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Tony Amento
Alan P Ammann (Ammann)
Lorraine Aylward
Barbara Baldwin (Valenti)
Clarence Banks
Carol Beers (Konrad)
Louis Bills
Larry Bogard
Dorothy Boylboll (Lawrence)
Eileen Brayman (Haggerty)
Annette Brinkman (Kersey)
Karla Brooks (Miller)
Susan Brown
Carol Bullard (Dunham)
Frank Bullard
Thomas Cammarano
David Campbell
Sandy Campbell (Murphy)
Dana Carmichael
Susannah (Suzy) Carr
Tannis Carroll (Schroder)
Sally Castiglione (MacWay)
Jim Chambers
Denise Cherry (Allen)
Ray Cohen
Doug Conner
Mary Ann Coykendall (Fairweather)
Kenneth Crenshaw
Terence Darby
Barbara Darville (Hinz)
Wavell Darville
Leonard Devine
Anna Faye Ditto (Jones)
Thomas Doherty
Jeanne Doyle (Jones)
Robert Dunlap
Gwen Dunlop
Robert "Bob" Enders
Max Epling
Edward Evans
Jerry Faison
Arnold Fakes
Susan Ferguson (Epling)
Robert Finders
Yorke Flynn
Edward Foreman
Albert Genchi
Jerome Gill
Judith Gottchalk (Hessler)
Marilyn Gould (Moore)
Rosalie Grandazzo (Humphrey)
Dianne Grate (Rossell)
Lois Grate (Vande Weghe)
Lewis Graves
William H Green
Mary E Hall (Robinson)
Nancy Hamilton (DeSantis)
Donna Hansen (Daughtery)
Wayne Harden
Roberta Haynie (Little)
Allen H Hearn
Paula Heath (Taylor)
Tana Henry (VandeWeghe)
Ronnie Herbert
Michelle Hering (Neilson)
Roger Hibbs
Colleen "Connie" Hill (Barbee)
Ralph Hinz
James Houck
James Humphrey
Juanita "Nita" Hutcheson (P…)
Sandra Hynds (Pease)
Dennis Jensen
Susan Jones (Harvey Brown)
Mary Ann Kessler (Smith)
Barbara Kluttz (Keller)
Joy Knowles (Grier)
Elaine Konrad
Grace Kostello (Cabot)
Judy Kutik (Dunlap)
Richard Laabs
Michael Lauzonis, Jr
Carl Leffler
Frank Levanthal
Randall Lomax
Larry Martin
Patricia Martin
Fred Mascaro
Linda Mayer (Sweet)
John McBride
David McCamish
Ronald E McComas
Denny McDonald
Patricia McVey
Ted Miler
Ira Miller
Ronald Mirabilio
Francis Moates
Suzanne Moree (Myhr)
Brenda Morton (Whitman)
Sandra Murphy (Campbell)
Dolores Naglreiter (Newman)
Michele Neilson (Hering)
Wayne Neilson
Donna Nolin
Michael Nye
Richard O'Brien
Betty Odem
Ronald O'Neil
Jennifer Paige
Jean Parks (Luksa)
George Pauley
Eugene L Peter
Chuck Petko
Thomas Philips
Patricia Phillips (Lyle)
Darlene Pinder (Henry)
Gayle Prairie (Cammarano)
John Prescott
William Prescott
Mike Ramberg
Dennis Record
Gloria Reese
John Renna
Robert Ringle
Sally Rivers (Castiglione)
Mary Robinson (Hall)
Charley Root, Jr.
Evelyn Roselli
Frank Rotter
Linda Schaefer (Cooper)
Richard Schenk (Dick)
William Schmitt (Schmitt)
Carol Shaffer (Query)
Mary Ann Slaymaker (Beyer)
Leonard Smith
Marion Smith
Sharon Smith (Perry)
David Sparks
Kenneth Splete
Carol Spooner (Hearn)
Sharon Stabb (Rueter)
Cynthia Stanley (Hurley)
Bonnie Stepsis (Morrissey)
Naomi Streets (Darville)
Ellen Strong (Richards)
Gary Stuve
Sharon Sykes
Wilton Termarsch
Niki Terry (Kohl)
Theodore Thomas
Bud Thompson
Cheryl Thompson (Leonard)
William Thompson
David Tichenor
Nancy Todd (Szetela)
Shirley Turner (Hammon)
Art Valenti
Judy Vanest
Marjorie VanSteenburg George
Paul Vargoshe
Paulette Verneire (Burg)
Arline Vorisek (Hall)
Todd Wagner
Beverly Walters (Sullivan)
Carol Walton (Walden)
Diane Wells
Steven West
Judy Wheeler (Fox)
Richard Wheeler (Wheeler)
Grant Whitman
Sharon Wiles (Masters)
Jayne Wilhelm (Jefferson)
Carol A. Wilson (MacKay)
Jane Wilson (Chalker)
Michael W. Wood
Douglas Wright
Ray Zinckgraf
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